It’s always nice to know what you can expect when visiting our office for the first time. Here’s a short description of what your care will involve during each visit with us.
Your First Visit
When you first walk in, you’ll be greeted with a big southern smile by our staff at the front desk. They know all of our patients and they will be excited to get to know you also!
After completing some brief paperwork, you’ll sit down with Dr. James to have a talk. You’ll tell him why you’ve come in, and he’ll ask you some questions to get a better idea of what’s going on in your unique body.
Based on your answers, Dr. James will recommend some further examination techniques that will be the most effective for the symptoms you are experiencing. We do not practice a “one size fits all approach” in this office as each person and each body, will experience pain, trauma and injury differently. Dr. James prefers to be very thorough and exploratory in his diagnostic approach so he can find root causes of your symptoms.
After he concludes any necessary diagnostic measures, he will review them with the patient and preferably a member of their support system. The support system that a patient has is so important to the success of their healing and we like to involve them when possible. our friendly staff will help you get set up for your next appointment and discuss insurance coverage or financial information with you.
We recommend you wear some comfortable clothing you can move around in to this appointment and plan on spending about an hour with us.
Your Regular Visits
When you come in after your initial appointment, you’ll say hi to our front desk team and then begin your agreed upon treatment plan with either Dr. James, one of our dedicated Therapy Assistants, or with both. You will feel comfortable and in a routine in no time!
Do I Have To Go For the Rest of My Life?
Our goal is to get you healthy and keep you healthy so that you’re body can begin to heal on its own as it was intended to do. Every treatment plan with every patient will be different but the goals are always the same. Maximum results with minimum dependency on treatment
methods over time.
Our job is to get you better and out of pain, and once we’ve done that, we hope you enjoy your health and want to keep it through regular check-ups. It’ll help keep the stresses of everyday life at bay, and you’ll continue feeling great.
We’re here to answer any questions you might have about how we can help you.
Contact us today!