Walking Your Way to Wellness

Want to bring some unexpected joy into your life? Try some lighthearted, low stress exercise.

Most of us don’t move enough. Many of us sit most of the day. This lack of movement can profoundly affect our health and well-being.

Introducing… walking!

It’s free, it’s easy, it doesn’t require any fancy equipment or membership, it’s convenient, there’s no set schedule and you can do it almost anywhere.

The benefits of walking are well documented. Walking can increase your life expectancy, reduce cardiovascular disease, lower blood pressure, improve your mental health and your outlook on life.

Daily walks can improve the quality of your sleep and lower cholesterol. Walking also improves muscle strength and builds bone mass. And there’s more:

While most people can easily understand the physical benefits of walking, the mental/emotional benefits are often overlooked. Walking can improve self-esteem, reduce stress and anxiety, and make you feel good. Walking in a beautiful natural environment can relax you and provide you with the time you need to engage in personal introspection.

Ready to get started?

First, get a good pair of shoes that have adequate arch support. Remember to stretch a bit, particularly the calves and hamstrings. Start out slow. Ease into it slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually until you’re where you want to be.

Just like any other type of physical activity, you’ll want to walk on a regular basis if you want to see and feel the results. Many of us overlook even small opportunities to walk. Park further out and walk to the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator.

A brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, every other day or so, will work wonders for your physical and mental health.

And before starting your walking program, stop by for a chiropractic checkup. Make sure your exercise program doesn’t stress malfunctioning joints of your legs, hips and spine. Then, get up from behind the computer, grab a friend and start walking.

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