Walking for Health

What do you think is the most popular form of exercise?

Walking, of course. After all, it’s cheap, it’s easy, it doesn’t require fancy equipment, special clothes, an expensive membership and it’s available 24/7 for just about anyone.

Walking, even just 30 minutes a day can strengthen your bones, reduce body fat, boost your muscle power and increase your cardiovascular fitness. It’s a low impact form of exercise that offers at least 10 health benefits:

What’s the best way to get started with a walking routine?

First, get a good pair of flat shoes that have adequate arch support. Remember to stretch a bit, particularly the calves and hamstrings. Start out slow. Like chiropractic adjustments, each session builds on the ones before. Ease into it slowly and increase your pace and distance gradually until you are where you want to be.

And like chiropractic care, walking should be done on a regular basis for optimum effectiveness.

Many of us overlook even small opportunities to walk. Instead of stressing out trying to find the closest parking spot, walk. Instead of driving, walk to the convenience store.

Walking is generally a safe way to exercise, but be sure to exercise some common sense:

A brisk walk for 30 minutes a day, five days a week will work wonders for your physical and mental health. So get up off that couch, climb out of that chair, grab a friend and start walking!

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