Gentle Care for Auto, Work, and Sports Injuries
Dr. Alan James, DC
721 W. Brookhaven Circle, Memphis, Tennessee  38117   (901) 821-0945



Wellness Directory
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Pinched Nerves

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Most Insurances Accepted
Attorney Liens
Worker's Compensation
Patient Financing Available


             About the Office and Staff              

Our people are our greatest asset. We have developed the finest staff that are abreast of the most current issues in this industry. We continue to pursue opportunities to enhance our skills and knowledge, so that you will receive the best of care and the most information to allow you to continue your road to good health.


Our office is equipped with state of the art technology and equipment. One feature is the ProAdjuster. The ProAdjuster's sophisticated computerized analysis allows the doctor to determine which vertebra is out of alignment.

The ProAdjuster has allowed many people who would otherwise never had gone to a chiropractor to receive fast, safe, and gentle relief from their pain, without any of the "twisting" and "popping" of the spinal bones and joints. The ProAdjuster's technology is the same type used by aerospace engineers at NASA. All guesswork removed! We are equipped with digital x-ray technology, laser therapy, Footleveler, ultrasound, low level laser and interferential current!


At ProHealth, our goal is to make your visit exceptionally pleasant. Our office hours are flexible and convenient. Our billing and insurance department will work with you and your insurance company. We will make sure your benefits are properly applied and in accordance to your policy guidelines. Our therapists' plan of care will always be in accordance to the orders as prescribed by the doctor. We will always keep you informed of your progress.


DISCLAIMER: No individuals, including those under our active care, should use the information, resources or tools contained within to self-diagnose or self-treat any health-related condition. Diagnosis and treatment of all health conditions should only be performed by your doctor of chiropractic or other licensed health care professional.

This web site is the creation of Spectrum Web Design, 2524 Bonnie Brook Drive Stockton CA 95207-1304   
(209) 473-8423    (800) 506-5866   Questions about this site:  Email  For further information, please visit our website at